Speech On Drinking And Driving

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How would you feel if one of your love one or close friends past away? On December 14th, 2017 an 18- year-old girl and her unborn baby were killed early in the morning, by a drinking and driver in Cedar Hill Tx. The suspect was an 45 year-old off-duty firefighter. He was charged with intoxication manslaughter. He was going around 100-110 mph under the influence. The 18 year-old girl was pregnant and she was traveling with her boyfriend. She and unborn 8 month-old baby were killed and her boyfriend broke a leg and fractured neck but did survive. This is one of the millions of examples of the accidents that happen annually,monthly & weekly. When you drink the effects of alcohol are poor coordination and slurred speech, double vision, decrease …show more content…

The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions becomes impaired. After just one drink, a driver can lose their ability to perform the tasks necessary to drive a car. At a certain point, a driver will become illegally intoxicated and can be arrested for attempting to operate a motor vehicle. In every state on out country there is a legal limit to how much alcohol you can have in your body if you are driving. For example in Texas the limit 0.18% so if you test more than that you could face more serious consequences. You could lose your driver's license and even go to jail for month or even …show more content…

He only had two beers, but wasn't a particularly large man and hadn't eaten lately, and the effect was noticeable on him. On the way home, his cell phone slid out of his pocket and under the seat. He glanced down to see where it had fallen and by the time he looked up it was too late; his car jumped the curb and smashed into a fire hydrant. Fortunately, Duncan had been driving at a relatively low speed and he was able to walk away from the crash. As he got out of his car to survey the damage, a police officer showed up. Suspecting alcohol, the officer gave Duncan field sobriety tests, making him recite the alphabet, stand on one leg, and try to touch his nose with one finger. The officer shined a flashlight in Duncan's eyes, making him look left and right, and saw that his eyes were red and watery. Even though Duncan passed the sobriety tests, because he had hit a tree and his eyes were red and watery, the officer placed him under arrest and took him to the station to get a blood test. The test showed that Duncan's blood alcohol content (BAC)was .09, just above the legal limit of

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