Effects Of Drinking And Driving Essay

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Drunk driving is extremely impactful on the lives of you and others. While drinking and driving, you are not just endangering yourself, you are also endangering the lives of others. The driver of the car does not just control the car with their hands and feet. They need their brain to function properly so that you are able to react to objects on the road quicker and control the car. If you drink then drive/ drink while driving. Alcohol affects your brain in many ways that inhibit your ability to drive. Alcohol will affect your reaction time, it slows your reflexes which decrease your ability to react to objects on the road. It affects your vision, in can impair your color perception, and night vision. It slows down the movement in the muscles in your eye causing your visual perception to change. Alcohol affects your ability to track. You will not be able to judge the position of cars ahead of you, you won’t be able to judge the …show more content…

When you are not able to control the vehicle or make rational decisions can happen you are much more likely to get into a car accident. Accidents the normally involve other people. Car accidents can be often fatal or life changing. These accidents can involve other people and not just you. One such story is about a couple who just recently got engaged to each other. On their wedding day they were driving down the highway and they we getting on the on ramp and a drunk driver was entering on the exit ramp. The two cars collided head on and seriously injured the woman. The mad was killed in the crash. The drunk driver left the scene. Another story was about a kid and his friends. They were driving they stopped at a stop sign and from behind them was a drunk driver speeding and the driver did not stop and rear-ended them causing the jeep to flip over and kill the kid. HIs friends were able to make it. The drunk driver went home and went to bed without even realising what he

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