Special Olympics: Benefits Of The Special Olympics

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Benefits of Special Olympics The athletes are all lined up to race. A handful from each county, with their hometown flag across their chest. The sound of the gun rings in their ears, and they push off and take off running with the smell of gunpowder filling their nose. The crowd roars and it is just a mix of colors and faces. Everyone is looking at them, cheering for them. The games is so much more than competing though. Many think that the special olympics has no benefits for the athletes and is just fun, but that is not the case. The athletes and community grow physically emotionally, and with their medical finances.
In 1968, Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded an organization many know as The Special Olympics (SO). This is a non-profit organization established to provide children and adults with any intellectual disability sports training and competition opportunities. It started as as summer day camp for children with any intellectual disability (ID); “the children” could go to her backyard and …show more content…

Approximately half of all Special Olympics Athletes from the United States, China, and Latin America engage in physical activity or exercise for more than three hours per week not including Special Olympics practices/events. Only 25 percent of the general population engage in three hours or more of physical activity per week. The athletes are putting in this amount of time on their own, away from their SO practices and events. Now, the coaches have a free tool provided by The Special Olympics, called Strive. With this program, the coaches can test the athlete 's current state of physical fitness. Most of the coaches keep these numbers on file to show the improvement of the athletes overtime. Not only does it test the current physical level, it also give athletes different workouts, diets, and plans to help them and the coach meet a certain

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