Triahlon Training Essay

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The purpose of this training program is to evaluate an individual’s fitness to get an idea as to how they would start training for a Sprint Distance Triathlon. Before developing a fitness plan for any individual, regardless of their fitness level or sport, it is important to understand their level of fitness. Testing the individual allows one to evaluate the body’s functional ability, which can give us insight into the individual’s overall health and wellness, as well as their athletic capacity (Haff & Damke, 2012). Flexibility, reaction time, strength and power, lung capacity, and overall body shape and size are all variables that can affect a triathlete’s performance in all three sports. The swimming portion of the triathlon is the first …show more content…

With her results I was able to continue on with a training program that I believe will give her self-satisfying results in her first triathlon coming up in October. In the vertical jump test she performed three successful jumps. Checking the normative data in results for her results she scored at an average level. This is good, because with proper training, she could really increase the power and strength in her legs for the events. For her push-ups she completed a total of 42 pushups continously and when comparing her results to the push up test, showed that she has great upper body strength, which gave me hope that her swimming training would be successful. Her results within the flexibility test when comparing her results to the women’s norm data, she falls below average in flexibility. This is definitely something that would need to be worked on to help her throughout her training for her race. Finally her 12 min treadmill run test she covered a distance of 1.3miles which is …show more content…

I have come up with a training program what will focus a lot in the weight room, incorporating flexibility training and long runs. Pool work she has decided to train herself on that alone. With solid and efficient training, she could increase her aerobic endurance level and successfully complete a sprint distance triathlon within the next few weeks. For her weight room training we have developed a regiment where we would like to keep her lean and toned. Lift weights four days per week (4x8-20), focusing on upper body (chest, shoulders, back, biceps and triceps) two days a week and lower body (glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves and core) on the other two days. Wednesdays she will attend various yoga classes to continue to work on her flexibility. With all on her agenda of training I’ll contribute cross-country nature style of training to get her lungs up and capable of the distance covered in the race. Her cycling training I am not to familiar with however I found a great training program developed for beginners by “League of Michigan Cyclist” who have a great week to week day by day cycling workouts along with proper cycling strength training workouts that will go along side Christina’s lifting

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