Spank Persuasive Speech

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For decades, parents around the world have been seeking out effective ways to discipline their child. Many parents have tried everything, from spanking to timeouts, in order to find the disciplinary action that their child best responds to. Nowadays, people are beginning to question whether or not spanking is an acceptable form of punishment for a misbehaving child. No matter what someone else believes, it is truly up to the parent to decide the proper form of discipline for their child. In bell hooks article “Justice: Childhood Love Lessons,” she provides many reasons as to why spanking is never acceptable. As a matter of fact, she fails to call it spanking, rather she repeatedly uses the term “abuse.” Although bell hooks has many good …show more content…

There is a difference between a child fearing for their wellbeing, as they may if they were abused, and a child fearing the proper consequences for their action. A massive issue in today’s society is every parent trying to be their child’s best friend. That is not the role of a parent. Yes, a parent should support their children and be there for them in time of need, but it is essential for a child to understand that their mother or father has power over them. A small fear of the consequences of an action causes children to choose the right thing even when the wrong thing is very tempting. Think of it this way. Without fear of authority, people would act recklessly much more often. When someone is driving, typically they obey the law because they fear getting a ticket, not out of the goodness in their heart. Fear is necessary for establishing boundaries and teaching children to respect their parents. People opposed to spanking love to claim that spanking is what causes children to fear their parents. I know this is not true because my mother has never laid a hand on me and I fear the consequences she may impose for my actions. Many believe that “[c]orporal punishment can lead to lying and deception” (Solter) but, any punishment can influence a child’s willingness to lie. Whether or not I would like to admit it, I have lied to my mother in order to avoid punishment even though she never spanked

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