Spain Essay

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Located in Southwestern Europe, Spain, the 51st largest country, lies at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Spain is deep with values and architecture that date back centuries. With such a profound history, each region of Spain could easily be thought of as an independent country. Surpassing many hurdles over the last few decades has taught Spain at the end of the day all that matters is your word.
Cultural Aesthetics
Rich with medieval architecture, Spain is plentiful with Romanesque and Gothic structures. Due to Muslim presence, Spain can also possess an unequal number of buildings that give the presence of a totally different culture. Spanish villages or “pueblos” are in close proximity of each other along …show more content…

Their loyalty to family is of utmost importance. It is becoming difficult for them to enforce their values due to the family separation. Cohabitation is not uncommon between unmarried individuals. This undoubtedly leads to children out of wedlock. Women have the right to work, but still carry most of the burden of childcare and housework. Unlike decades before, Spaniards are less willing to put give up personal desires to gain the advantages of a better future, present-day Spaniards are paying more attention to what is available to them right …show more content…

After many decades of unemployment, the country made efforts to turn around the status of the economy however, after the recent recession, unemployment spiked to record high of 18.1%. Rigid labor regulations and the generous unemployment benefits are contributors for the grim unemployment state. Additionally, high unemployment benefits tend to cause the wages to increase, discouraging firms from employing more individuals. Another reason for high unemployment is its rapid modernization, causing declining employment in the agricultural area and other basic industries.
Role in International Trade
Spain’s agriculture provides around 3% of its gross domestic product. It produces wheat, sugar beet, barley, tomatoes, olives, citrus fruits, grapes and cork. It is the world's largest producer of olive oil, lemons, oranges, and strawberries and the third largest producer of wine. Spain has limited mineral resources. The manufacturing industry is led by textiles, industrial food processing, iron and steel, naval machines and engineering. Having become the second tourist destination worldwide, this results in the largest source of income.

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