Space Craft Business Analysis

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Owning your own business for Space Craft could be very exciting and could require an extreme amount of work and time. It was the day my troubles came, when I realized so much could occur at one time. When a Space Craft shut down such as mine “The Unstoppable Flames”, it caused millions of job losses, money issues, and also confusion of the operation in the company. Millions of people went without jobs unnoticed. Some had just walked into work that morning and I had to report the disturbing news that The Unstoppable Flames will no longer be unto existence. By the look on their face I could tell their hearts were broken and dreams were lost. According to a Space Craft provides about 5,300 jobs and that’s only for the research center. …show more content…

We were so independent that we decided to just focus on the big things like getting started and growing. Once we go major we’d sign a contract. As I communicated with my fellow co-workers they wondered how this could possibly happen to them no one understood why. There was more than just money issues and upset people. There was also confusion within the company. Most people were confused at why the company shut down, what they’d do next, and how will this affect the information data that they’ve already received and collected. There were question such as “what’s next, how could they take this away, why is this happening, and how can we fix it. I had little to no answer to those questions because I knew very little of this situation myself. Being that I’m the CEO most of my co-workers think I have a good understanding and imagination on what happened. The only thing I could tell them was not to stress everything is going be taken care of, though they didn’t listen. Most were in a road of rage, some sadly calling their families, some just sat in amuse. As for me, I had a certain job to complete. My responsibility was to make sure everyone gathers their belongings, and also is sure that every family is going to be able to make it through tonight. I offered anything I could such as my home, food, clothing, phone, etc. everyone assured me that they would be fine. If this were to happen in the real world the boss would simply tell them to get their belongings and go. See here at Unstoppable Flames I believe that we are a family. We work together to help progress in all areas. Unstoppable Flames was currently working a rocket to Mercury, according to the article Project Mercury (1959-63) it states, “Shortly after the Space Race began, an early objective was to get a person into Earth orbit as soon as possible.” On top of our Unstoppable Flames going out of business, Space X has now begun to win in the Space Race based on the Project Mercury. I wondered

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