Soundtrack review: Max Tooney

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The story was told in medias res as a series of flashbacks. The story started on a day of the post-Word War II period, but the main scenes took place on the Virginian, a vessel voyaged between Europe and America, in the early 1900s.

Max Tooney, a musician, entered a secondhand music shop to sell his trumpet. He asked to play it one last time. The shopkeeper agreed and the immediately recognized the song was the same as the one he got from a broken record matrix in a secondhand piano =. He asked Max who created the piece and Max told him the story of 1900.
When 1900 was still a baby, he was found abandoned on the Virginian. Danny, a coal-man from the boiler room, found him and decided to raise 1900. Danny hid 1900 from the ship's officers. Unfortunately, Danny was killed in an accident when 1900 was eight-year-old.
1900 showed his music talent and joined the ship's orchestra as he grew up. He met and became friends with Max in 1927. Although he never left the vessel, his reputation as a pianist was renowned that Jelly Roll Morton challenged him to a piano duel after hearing of his skill.
A record producer even brought the recording apparatus onto the vessel and cut a demo record of a 1900 original composition. The recorded music was created by 1900 as he gazed at a girl that he found attractive.
At the end, the story flashed back to the real time. Max was trying to lure 1900 out of the ship. Having served as a hospital ship in World War II, the ship was scheduled to be scuttled and sunk far offshore. Max got onto the ship with the recording 1900 made. He played the recording and hoped to attract 1900's attention. When it did, Max tried to convince 1900 to leave the ship. But he failed, the Virginian...

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...pped while Max was finding 1900 on the old vessel before the explosion of the Virginian. The water drops showed that the ship was already very old and we could imagine how long 1900 had been staying on the same ship.

The 'bomb' sound when the Virginian was blown up with 1900. The sound from the explosion continued for a while until the camera moved back the conversation between Max and the shopkeeper of the secondhand music shop.

To conclude, this film is very suitable for the ones who love piano or jazz. Although the film was about two-hour-long, it is not boring with the dramatic legend made by 1900. I believe people who love music would enjoy the film and appreciate the beautiful film scores.

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