Soft Drinks Essay

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You may be wondering how Soda can have absolutely anything to do with chemistry. Truth is the acid found in soft drinks puts your body at risk every day. This most common soft drink is actually has a huge risk to your body. As you grow up, your parents always told you to not have so much caffeine because it’s bad for you. Yet parents even though telling you this they would purchase the beverage whenever they went out to restaurants and for almost every party they would attend. What most parents may not realize is that soft drinks actually damage your body more than you would expect. Obesity, Dental Erosion, and Heart Disease are just a few things that can occur from consuming to much of these beverages.

About 75% of American kids and teenagers have caffeine in their body because of some sort of beverage. (Tanner, L. (2014, Feb 10). Even though it seems that kids only drink soda; in Tanner 2010, a recent poll has found something quite interesting. It has been determined that the youth’s soda consumption has gone down recently. (Tanner, L. (2014, Feb 10). In a poll taken, almost half of the people involved said that soda is bad for you. More than half the people drinking these beverages are below the age of 35 (Esterl, M. (2013, Dec 09). It seems that younger people are most likely to consume these unhealthy beverages and those adults above 40 find alternative drinks that are healthier and are more likely to have a more positive impact on your body. How does science apply to this problem of soft drinks? This applies to science by the ingredients that are in these soft drinks. The largest scare of unhealthy ingredients is the artificial sweeteners in diet beverages. Sucralose and Acesulfame Potassium are the two most common elemen...

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...y that we currently have, I would think that we could find an alternative ingredient that could taste the same or similar that could have a more positive effect on people. I also think that a maybe somewhat solution could be made through the media. Every day on the TV, computer and magazines there are celebrities promoting these beverages. Maybe we should get celebrities to do commercials to promote alternative drinks that are healthier for everyone else. I think a lot of teen celebrities doing this could have a huge impact since so much of the youth population looks up to them.
In conclusion, even though soft drinks are really good and seem not dangerous at all, it won’t be the end of the world if you stopped having them. Chocolate milk, juices and water are a few alternative drinks that you can have, that taste good and have a more positive impact on your body.

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