Sociocultural Theory Essay

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The question I chose is how can the sociocultural theory of development be used to improve student learning? I chose this question because this theory emphasizes the importance of social interaction, language, and cultural in the learners learning process. My goal is to improve student learning by increasing the level of cognition in student learning through group structures. In order to accomplish this goal, I must know how to properly group students and how to prepare my students for the rigor in carrying the cognitive load. This theory stresses on the significance of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding in student learning. Researching these two approaches will help guide me through my goal, improve student learning.
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In other words, Vyogtsky, understood human development as the result of interactions humans engage in with the external, social and cultural, world around them (Cross, 2009). Vyogotsky believed that students learn through social interactions with more knowledgeable others. Social interaction requires the use of language. According to Eggen & Kauchak, language plays three important roles in the sociocultural theory of development. First, it allows the learner to access the knowledge others posses, second, it is a cognitive tool people use to make sense of their own experiences, and third, it allows for regulating and reflecting on our own thinking. In this theory, culture provides the context in which development occurs (Glassmen, …show more content…

Children benefit more from interacting with more knowledgeable individuals. The zone of proximal development is based on the idea that skills too difficult for a child to master on their own can be achieved by guidance and encouragement from a more knowledgeable individual (McLeod, 2010). Ley Vyogotsky viewed interactions with peers as an effective way of developing skills and strategies. According to McLeod (2010), Vyogotsky suggested that teachers use cooperative learning exercises where less competent children develop with help from more skillful peers within the zone of proximal development. Meaning that, some students are able to perform independently and others need assistance in order to achieve the task. Peer-to-peer interaction, parents and family interaction, and community interaction can do implementing zone of proximal development. In the classroom, zone of proximal development can be accomplished by having students work in pairs and small groups. Grouping students with a peer or peers allows them to share ideas, views and opinions. It allows them to see others perspectives and make sense of what they are

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