Social Penetration Theory Paper

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As young adults, we have already been through several different types and examples of interpersonal conflicts, whether it be with family, friends, boyfriends, coworkers, et cetera, but they were probably not incredibly serious ordeals, hopefully climaxing in a fight, and concluding with a mutually agreeable solution. The interpersonal conflict I am going to detail in this paper is not one of those examples, instead, it is still ongoing, its final conclusion undetermined. Through the struggles between my dad and me, I will explain the social penetration theory and why it must have two equally participating parties in order to be successful. The social penetration theory states that the closer two people become, the deeper their connection …show more content…

I became even more selfish and shallow than I'd been previously and hid all of my choices from my parents. The only thing my dad knew about was my grades, and he asked me why I had thrown away the relationship that he thought was a solid, tight bond. When I finally told him about one of the biggest decisions in my life after lying to him about it for a very long time, he told me he was done with me. And my world collapsed, I was nothing if I couldn’t rely on my father’s love for me. My parents brought me home and asked me to decide to change, and do better, or to stay on my path and to be not welcome in their house anymore. When I was first given this choice I was upset and angry, how dare they ask me for that, it has nothing to do with anything that’s going on, but I decided that losing my family would be the worst choice I could ever make, and I didn’t want to end up like all the bad examples of people I know who made the wrong decision. I realized that I had hurt my dad deeply, I had not only lied to him but I had broken a promise, and he blamed himself for the path I was going down. We talked and argued, I shouldered all the blame, told him I didn’t want this that I wanted to be better, and he still blamed himself. He

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