Social Bonding Theory Vs Self-Control Theory Analysis

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In this paper I will be discussing two theories that my classmates and myself have learned about during this semester. The main objective is to explain, compare and contrast the theories using the information that we have learned inside of our text books. The two theories that I have chosen to use are the social bonding theory and the self-control theory. I chose these theories because these were the two that I was most interested in during my time of study. Social bonding theory was a theory derived from the ideas of Travis Hirschi. The social bonding theory was the theory that suggested that a person’s personal attachments, beliefs, involvements and commitments are what controls their chance of delinquency. Studies have shown that when …show more content…

The two theories tie into each other quite well because when we think about it a person’s social bonds determines their self-control or lack thereof. If a person had strong level of social bonding they are more likely to have self-control, which helps them make the correct decisions al throughout their life. When a person lacks social bonding or have negative social bonding they are more likely to lack self-control causing them to be more prone to becoming a delinquent and committing crimes all throughout their life. Although a person can have self-control without them actually having social bonding in their life, it is easier to prove that social bonding is a leading factor of self-control, because there are studies that prove …show more content…

When it comes to criminal justice most of the crimes that are committed consists of killing and robbing. Killing and robing are crimes that are caused by lack of social bonding or lack of self-control. When we think about these theories they are telling us that it is always good for people to have social bonding in their life because strong social bonding invents self-control inside of a person’s mind. This helps us understand why a person was killed or why a person was robbed and these are the main things we seek in the career field of criminal justice.
I have learned a lot about the Social bonding theory and the self-control theory just by writing this paper and seeking information for it. When we first discussed these two theories in the class I really enjoyed them and when you enjoy something it is easier to learn. Now that I have written this paper I can think about how closely related these two theories are because they practically work together in some cases you can’t have one without the other. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to write on and expand my knowledge about these two great

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