Social Media Workplace

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Social media impacts people in different ways, for example, it helps employers to find and fill jobs as well as assist job- seekers seeking employment. According to Jacquelyn Smith “Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ allow employers to get a glimpse of who you are outside the confines of a résumé, cover letter, or interview—while they offer job seekers the opportunity to learn about companies they’re interested in; connect with current and former employees; and hear about job openings instantaneously, among other things” Having all this type of websites helps employers know who you really are if they are picking the right candidate for their company. It gives them a more broad decision of the candidates who they would like …show more content…

Job seekers would also be kept posted of the job positions that are currently going to open to apply. Lots of hiring managers are aiming more to use social media because they find it is a much better form to see a person’s professional standards and what they can do for the company. Smith states “Social media is a primary vehicle of communication today, and because much of that communication is public, it’s no surprise some recruiters and hiring managers are tuning in,” says Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder” With social media employers find it more fast to communicate with potential job seeker and know more about the person. Social media spreads the information to lots of people online to help employer fill in job positions faster. Websites such as CareerBuilder, LinkedIn are the most popular sites that are being used by employers and job seekers, it’s beneficial on both the employer and job seeker side because it helps the job seeker to set up resume, cover letters, and just basically and online portfolio so you could share it with potential …show more content…

Bruce Hopkins states that “Faculty can use social media as a way to get students to participate. Social Media sites can be helpful to increase this ability as the students can hold meetings in real time and work on their projects. This enhances the likelihood that they will also spend time together working on projects and may not have to make time to meet in person all the time as the project progresses” Having these type of networks for education is going to be beneficial on both ends because faculty will be able to communication with students much faster and have them updated on work they need to turn in. If students have projects to do in a group they don’t have to waste their time in meeting up they could do it online and have conference meetings. The whole point is for students to be involved in the work and participate. Some schools are already transitioning to online education and its working for them. Schools such as College of The Desert which they have an app called Canvas that both students and teachers use to have a network in which they can communicate, have discussions, submit assignments, interact students with in each other, have video homework assignment, and watch class related videos. There has been studies that social media has been helping students actually succeed in the long run.

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