Social Media Persuasive Essay

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Before working: While I’m completely in favor of using social media as a way to communicate information between home and school, I am somewhat skeptical of utilizing it in the classroom as a means of actually teaching. I believe other uses of social media in the classroom can prove to be too much of a distraction. It would be virtually impossible to monitor the student’s use during class time and ensure that they stay completely on task. Also, the devices that students use to access social media can be unreliable. Finally, social media also takes a tremendous amount of the teacher’s time to learn and set up before it can be functional in the classroom.

Persuasive Essay: Today’s students have never known a time when computers weren’t fast or when your connection to the internet wasn’t instant. The sound of a dialing modem is something kids today will not recognize. Technology and social media are things they are very comfortable with and are not intimidated by. After exploring various viewpoints, my opinion has changed: I now believe social media deserves more respect as a …show more content…

First, the implementation of technology requires a great deal of time to set up and learn before the teacher can be expected to use it effectively in the classroom. Another point to consider is who will provide the devices that the students will use to access social media? If you’re relying on the students to bring their cellphones from home, then there are several questions to think through. Does everyone have access to a phone or tablet? Are their devices charged? Does everyone’s device have the same functionality across the board? If the school has the resources to provide the technology, will it be available and functioning when you need it? While these are just a few of the certainly valid reasons to be hesitant, I believe the positive aspects outweigh the

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