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Importance of effective communication in an organization
Importance of communication in organisations and individuals
Importance of effective communication in an organization
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Social Media Case Study Analysis Effective communication in an organization is one of the components of its success. Managers are charged with navigating communication obstacles while making every effort to harness its benefits. This onus placed on managers is compounded by organizational advancements and the application of new technologies. One relatively new organizational technology being applied is the use of social media. Social media creates communication issues yet conversely alleviates specific communication barriers by playing several roles within organizations today. Communication Issues Social media creates a host of communications issues that are not easy to counteract. In the case study, Social Benefits of Social Disaster?-Best Buy; there are two glaring examples of how social media creates issues from its communications. The first of which is the risk to security. In this case, an easy to guess password was used by a hacker to misuse a twitter account. Implications were felt not only by the individual that was hacked, but the company suffered financial losses. Further issues could have occurred if the hacker was interested trying out the password on internal Best Buy systems. As a manager, it is critical to stress to employees the importance of communications that contain sensitive information and how to choose a password that provides the highest level of security. (Robbins, Decenzo, & Coulter, 2013) Secondly, the grapevine aspect of social media is prevalent in this case. An inaccurate message was rapidly passed throughout Best Buy’s customer base and employees. In addition to the embarrassment that was felt by CEO, Brian Dunn, the company’s image was negatively impacted. Social media gives the oppo... ... middle of paper ... ... After gaining the needed education on the matter, they were able to concentrate on the benefits that effective communication holds. All companies should strive to understand the art of communication and continually improve their skills while adapting to an ever changing world. Works Cited Mishna, F., Bogo, M., Root, J., Sawyer, J., & Khoury-kassabri, M. (2012). "It just crept in": The digital age and implications for social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(3), 277-286. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10615-012-0383-4 Mishra, J. (1990). Managing the grapevine. Public Personnel Management. 19(2), 47-52. Reitz, A. (2012). Social media's function in organizations: A functional analysis approach. Global Media Journal, 5(2), 41. Robbins, S., Decenzo, D., & Coulter, M. (2013). Fundamentals of management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Robbins, S.P., Decenzo, D.A., & Coulter, M. 2013. Fundamentals of Management 8e: Essential Concepts and Applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Education, Inc.
Want to change the way you leverage social media for digital success this year? It’s time to evaluate your social media strategies, and differentiate great tactics from ones that have under-delivered. This evaluation is really important to come out with a unique social media strategy to rock the markets in 2016. There are a bunch of opportunities which can let you shine on the social media front. So let’s have a look at highly effective social media trends that will help you dominate the market in 2016.
Many organizations have had to change the way they operate because social media has become such a powerhouse that has to be implemented in their marketing and communication strategies.
Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2009). Management (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2011). Contemporary management. (7 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M and Woods, M 2014, Management: The Essentials, 2nd ed, Pearson, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
In the past five years, the ways in which organizations inform their stakeholders, about various things, has changed dramatically. In the past, organizations would use news stations, radio, newspapers, and fliers. Today, those traditional methods are still used; however, with the advancement in technology, more ways to communicate have emerged. Such ways to communicate are through social media (Facebook, YouTube,Twitter, etc.) and blogging. Considering social media and blogging are popular ways for individuals to communicate and voice their opinions, there is a greater need for leaders to be even more cognizant of what is said about their organization in the online environment (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2014).
Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M & Woods, M 2011, Management: The Essentials, Pearson Australia, NSW, Australia, 1st Edition
This paper will discuss and identify the effects of social media, and what will make social media better through research on best practices. Social media is an imperative public relations tool for companies to utilize in their business practices. Social media cannot be regulated so anyone can say what they want about the company, whether it is good, bad or ugly. Social media is developing rapidly and there are new platforms daily, making it necessary for companies to not only be familiar with those platforms, but also know how to reach the consumer through them.
An area that is often overlooked by retailers is the use of social media for customer relations. According to a research done by Oracle, in today’s world 35% of businesses don’t integrate social media for sales or customer service (Oracle 4). Social media can benefit retailers in many ways, but they can also negatively affect them. The customer’s voice is becoming louder because of social media, and customer complaints no longer remain in a small group of people: they go viral. According to Lauren Paxman, this happened to Keara O’Neal who was on a shopping trip to find bridesmaid dresses for her wedding at the high-end store GASP. At the beginning the sales assistant, Chris, was very helpful trying to find her dresses, but then he turned aggressive by pressuring her to get the dress; he even turned disrespectful by ridiculing her size 12 and made inappropriate comments such as “Have fun shopping at Supre… I knew you were a joke the minute you...
Social media is pertinent in use of communication throughout today’s organizations. There are many social media platforms that allow organizations to convey communication to potential consumers, stakeholders and the public. “It is essential for leaders to integrate these technologies and seek the best way to use social media and networks to the advantage of the business” (Billington, 2012, p.1). Business owners find that keeping up with current technology trends is essential in having a competitive advantage in the market place and having a strict set of standards and strategy is important in quickly adapting to social media trends.
Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M, Woods, M 2011, Management the essentials, Pearson Education, New South Wales.
In the end, social media provide a way of keeping in relations with friends, also allow many companies to reach a large number of costumers and to be more productivity. At the same time, media are changing the ways in which we communicate and interact with others. Social media is a very interesting thing in our life. It was made for the free exchange of lots of information all around the world without boundaries but we have to know well how and why to use these media.
Social media is a form of online communication channels devoted to society input, intercommunication, and cooperation. In social media, people can talk and interact without restriction, exchange and debate information with each other about their lives by using many different combinations of the words, personal multimedia, photos, and videos. Also, in social media, individulsa and groups can create, edit, comment on, and engage in personal conversations. There are numerous types of social media, for example, wikis, blogs, social network site, micro blogging services, and sites sharing media. At the beginning, social media was limited to a few networks sites, for instance, Bulletin Board System that allows people to communicate with each other and post a comment. Today, social media has transformed from ineffective sites to more useful and effective websites, for example, Facebook, and MySpace. Some companies are using social media to achieve their goals which is attracting more customers to company website. Three advantages of using social media in business are: raising brand consciousness, building customer relationships, and increasing performance measurements.
Waddell, D, Jones, G & George, J 2014, Contemporary Management, 3rd edn, McGraw Hill Education,