Social Anxiety Informative Speech

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Hi Marissa, I want to start off by telling you that transitioning into a new school can be very difficult and this can be a reason for social anxiety. Since you are not fully sure about social anxiety and the effects I will try and elaborate them for you. Social anxiety is having extreme fear over social or public situations. Social anxiety is commonly caused by past experiences like being humiliated or embarrassed. It could also have been passed down to you genetically if other members of your family have experienced social anxiety. You said in the letter that when speaking to people you started sweating. Sweating profusely is a short term effect of social anxiety. Other examples are rapid heartbeat and feeling butterflies in your stomach. …show more content…

If he keeps pushing you to do things you don’t want to do show assertiveness and make sure that he knows you are serious by having direct eye contact with him and to speak confidently. If other kids are pressuring you by making fun of you, talk to a trusted adult and distance yourself from them.In your letter you told me you go on social media at recess to avoid social contact. What you may not know is how negative social media can be on a person’s life. In our modern world it is becoming more accepted to be anti-social and staying home instead of going out, but this is also unhealthy as it allows you to feel secure in a world without people. You can deal with the effects of media by reducing the amount of time you spend on it and allowing yourself to engage in the real world even if it means talking to new people. By being on your electronics so constantly you are giving social media the power to dictate how you feel about yourself. Since, leaving social media behind completely is not a plausible solution you can try and follow positive social media accounts. A big part of getting over social anxiety is having confidence and decreasing

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