Soccer Narrative

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I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't. “I FINALLY DID IT!!!” No I meant “WE FINALLY DID IT!!!” 1 HOUR BEFORE It was a nice sunny day. Not a lot of wind, there were not many clouds and the sun was shining brighter than ever. The grass was a perfect shade of green. The goal post seemed to be shining. It was like a good dream coming to reality. I hopped out of my moms car and ran to my other teammates at the goal shooting. “Hustle up boys!” my coach said in a loud tone. (Coach doesn’t yell I never heard him do it once!) We did as told and ran to coach. “We are going to verse that team over there pointing to the other side of the soccer field.)” We have already lost to that team before. Quinn said “what's the point in trying …show more content…

Everything started to go in slow-mo. I could here my fellow teammates yelling “You can do this malachi!” or “go show them how it’s like to be scored on.” After hearing those words of encouragement I started to feel a bit better. Thoughts were going in my head “Just kick it!” I felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I lifted my leg up then kicked as hard as I could. The ball gracefully moved through the air with barely any spin. The ball flew to the upper left side of the goal. The goalie jumped up in the air to try to stop the ball from going in. The fingertips of the goalie grazed the ball but to knock it in. . “DId I just score a goal!?” I thought. My teammates came running towards me. I on the other hand just stood there shocked with the same thought going over and over in my head. Quinn fist bumped me, Bryce belly-bumped me. Then I was showered in compliments. Boy does it feel good to be a part of a team. We celebrated a little too soon. Just then the other team saw that we were distracted and had sped down the field and before you knew it they were approaching the goal. Tyler sped up to him and looked good will he stole the ball. He passed the ball to Collin. Collin ran up the field juking a couple of players. The other team somehow stole the ball from him. They ran down the field juking OUR players they were …show more content…

So we took a quick water break and then ran back to our positions. The ref blew his whistle and the other team started out with the ball. We ran down the field. They went for a shot but Bryce stopped it then booted the ball back to the half yard line. We managed to get the ball and ran down the field. Basically four most of the 4th quarter the ball went back and forth over and over again. I stole the ball from my opponent. I ran towards the goal I saw that Quinn was open so I passed the ball over to him. Quinn got it , he had to juke a couple of people to get a clear path. Then the ref yelled out there was only twenty seconds left in the game and we were only tied! Quinn past the ball to me and that’s when I started to go queasy again. My heart was pounding in my chest I could hear the faint cheers of the spectators. Then I took a deep breath and took a shot. The ball seemed to go in slow motion. The ball went straight for the pole. The goalie the goal just as the ref blowed his whistle. I just couldn't believe

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