Snowball's Personality

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Because Animal Farm is an allegory, all characters are important. One of these characters is Snowball. Snowball’s intellect and passion are significant characteristics that make him stand out from the other animals. He also directly connects to Leon Trotsky, a Soviet Politician who opposed Joseph Stalin. Snowball’s actions, traits, and relation to Trotsky show how even those who are thoughtful can be corrupted by power.

Snowball’s distinguishing traits are his passion and his intelligence. These traits show through his actions. Snowball’s passion is what drives him and his intelligence dictates how he gets things done. One example of this is when he organizes the animals before and after the revolution. Before the Rebellion, the pigs were …show more content…

Trotsky was a Russian revolutionary with a great impact on the Bolshevik party (BBC). He was against Stalin’s views, causing him to be expelled from Russia and later killed. Nearly all of Snowball’s actions can be linked back to Trotsky. For instance, Snowball’s role in the Battle of the Cowshed can be connected to Trotsky’s role in the Russian Civil War. During the Russian Civil War, Trotsky was war commissar for the Red Army. Using his tactfulness, he was able to build up the Red Army and contributed in defeating the White Forces. Similarly, Snowball’s tactfulness as head of defensive operations built up Animal Farm’s defense and contributed to the victory over Jones. How Snowball was expelled from Animal Farm can also connect to Trotsky. As mentioned previously, Trotsky was against Stalin’s views. This resulted in him being exiled from his party in 1927 after Stalin seized power. Later, he was expelled from all of Russia. From 1936 to 1940, he spent the rest of his life writing in Mexico before being assassinated by Stalinist Ramon Merceder. Likewise, Snowball constantly disagreed with Napoleon. “Snowball and Napoleon were by far the most active in the debates. But it was noticed that these two were never in agreement: whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could be counted on to oppose it (31).” In this case, Stalin is represented by Napoleon. Further along in the …show more content…

At first glance, Snowball may seem like an ideal leader— he cares about Animal Farm, he’s likable, and he is very reasonable. Yet, he is not without his flaws and his actions can be corrupt. To illustrate, when the pigs take the milk and apples for themselves, Snowball agrees with the decision instead of opposing it (35). This goes against his ideals by suggesting pigs are superior to the other animals, rather than them being equal. Going against his beliefs isn’t the only way he causes corruption. In some cases, he causes corruption by being overly passionate about his beliefs. When Boxer thinks he’s killed a stable-lad during the Battle of the Cowshed, Snowball replies, “No sentimentality, comrade! War is war. The only good human being is a dead one.” This shows how Snowball is committed to the revolution to the point of being willing to kill for it. While this does not do any direct harm, it does set an example for the other animals and may have lead to them being devoted to the revolution to the point of listening to Napoleon. These are just two examples of power causing Snowball to cause corruption. Other points in the story suggest Snowball would have become even more corrupt if it weren’t for Napoleon. When asked whether or not he wanted Snowball’s windmill, Benjamin the donkey refuses to believe it will make life better or worse. He remarks that, “Windmill or no windmill, life

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