Meaning Behind Animal Farm

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The Meaning Behind Animal Farm

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas” by Joseph Stalin. What Joseph Stalin says is very true when given the case in George Orwell’s allegory novella Animal Farm, where the moral the story is how “when one has influence, one makes power and power leads to corruption.” Corruption is shown throughout the whole book, novella Animal Farm, where ideas, such as Old Major’s idea of humans being the reason for the animals suffering, are stronger than mankind’s guns. The cause of the idea is the great example of human brutality, Mr. Jones uses, opposing the animals that only want to live in peace, yet Mr. Jones causes great pain to the animals. …show more content…

Jones is the example of how a human can become so cruel, so insensitive, regarding to the care of his farm and the animals on it,when given a position of power and misuses it. In the first chapter it says “As for the dogs, when they grow old and toothless, Jones ties a brick round their necks and drowns them in the nearest pond,” (30). This sentence is said by Old Major, trying to convince the animals of the farm to start the rebellion with the realization of how Mr. Jones . Of the way he truly is as a owner of the animals, yet at the same time an abuser to the animals by demonstrating, one cruel act Mr. Jones has done to the dogs of the farm that get too old to do their job. Instead of letting the dogs retire and die naturally by old age, Mr. Jones kills them with no remorse, and is allowed to do so because he is in charge. Being in control of other creatures, is something that should not be taken advantage of, especially in Manor Farm where Mr. Jones is doing unspeakable actions to all of those in his farm, from dogs, to cows to horses. Another great representation of the amount of indecency he has, for the only reason he is in control and can get away with it is “Jones will sell you to the knackers, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhound,”(30). This sentence is also said by Old Major, and gives the horses Clover, Boxer and Benjamin a reason to fight against Mr. Jones. In hopes of not having to suffer that …show more content…

Since the animals defeated Mr. Jones, “ And so, almost before they knew what was happening the Rebellion had been successfully carried through: Jones was expelled, and the Manor farm was their,” (39). What occurred here was with the the inspiration Old Major left behind after his death, pigs Napoleon and Snowball were the new leaders of the rebellion, and successfully fought Mr. Jones and his men by the animals attacking them. All the animals were ecstatic about their new found freedom, and to only have to worry about themselves, not some humans. The leaders together were very good at keeping the farm in good shape, with Snowball being very good with words, and Napoleon very good with getting his own way. The only bad thing about this pair is that they argue a lot about the decisions of the farm, and can never agree with one another. Until one day when Napoleon starts speaking ill of the co-leader Snowball, making Snowball get a bad reputation, an example is, “do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!” (82). This is clearly false for the reason that the windmill was torn apart by the wind, yet Napoleon is so manipulative and wants Snowball to

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