Snoring Essay

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Treatment for snoring

Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. Snoring is a serious problem of both genders but mostly overweight males are at risk and it can become more serious with age. It can heavily affect your own sleep as well as your partner’s sleep. In fact, snoring often disrupts the sleep of family members and partners more than it affects the snorer.

Snoring occurs when the tongue falls back and blocks the airway and can also be a sign of a more serious problem. It is one of the indicators of sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by long pauses in breathing of up to several seconds at a time. Left untreated, sleep apnea can lead …show more content…

Shedding some pounds and getting back in shape can help reduce the problem.
Some simple lifestyle changes, exercise, keeping a tab on your calorie intake can help you to eliminate this problem as losing weight can reduce the fatty tissue in your throat and stop snoring.

Drinking and the use of sedatives can also contribute to relaxed muscles and tissue; moderately (or not at all), and avoiding sedatives may also help reduce the problem.

Sleeping on your side

sleeping on your side can help you to stop snoring.
Sometimes sleeping on your back can result in snoring by partial blockage of airflow due to the movement of the tongue to the back of your throat.
Sleeping on your side allows air to flow more easily and reduce or stop your snoring.

Change your sleeping position
Sleeping with two pillows or by Elevating your head may help in breathing easily and encourage tongue to not fall to the back of your throat by keeping your airways open.

Treat your chronic allergies

Allergies can cause reduced airflow through your nose which can lead to snoring.
Treating your allergies can help you to stop your

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