Smoking Advertising: Kill A Cigarette And Save A Life

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Since realizing smoking is associated to many health problems such as cancer, many advertisements are designed purposely to the end cigarette smoking. An estimated 40 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States (CDC, 2016). Nowadays we are more conscious about how terrible smoking is for our health. Smoking cigarettes can be one of the most destructive things you can do to your body and yet millions of people around the world continue to do so. Anti-smoking ads fight the cancerous substance and hope to transform the minds of many or even the lives of many. It has become frequent in many advertisements to see the damage that smoking causes to someone and to others due to secondhand contact. …show more content…

Logos in the image is tricky to establish. For instance, there is not a feasible circumstance in where the smoke from a cigarette can metamorphose into a weapon and harm someone. This is more of symbolic and imaginary explanation. The wording in the ad provides the realistic appeal. The very small type reads “Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life. Yours.” Now, there is a lot that can be taken from these words. Does stopping smoking save life? The answer is yes. The center for disease control and prevention points out that quitting smoking decreases the possibility of any cancer or any other health issues. So even though it is the truthful facts in the ad, “killing a cigarette” can save “your” life. This is why this ad is effectively designed. The design relies on very little information for it to communicate, and the text does that; it offers a small declaration that possesses realistic truth. A person is able to look at the ad and conclude that the ad contains legitimacy because its common sense that smoking may cause diseases and can lead to

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