Smartphones And Social Media Essay

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We Can, But Dare We Smart phones and social media have become the latest generation due to their powerful capability of almost anything that comes to mind. The smart new technology that combines mobile communication and computation in a hand held sized device, facilitating mobile computing at the point of care. (Mosa, 2012) However, current studies have proven that patients 70 years and older dislike the use of technology when it come to healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, organizations must impose regulations of smart phones and social media with in the workplace. Whether work related or not there needs to be regulations. The issue that arose was of a healthcare provider who took pictures of a patient and shared them via text message. …show more content…

The use of smartphones are getting more attention day by day. Medical applications make smartphones useful tools in the practice of evidence-based medicine at the point of care, in addition to their use in mobile communication (Mosa, 2012). Applications allow patients to view current records, receive and send information to other healthcare providers and request medication refills. Patients enjoy smartphones as education is provided, they are able to self-manage their disease and discuss any questions with providers in a timely manner. As Wyatt mentions, “One of the greatest advantage of using healthcare applications is convience.” Although smartphones have many advantages, it also creates challenges for nurses as smartphones are always changing with more advanced …show more content…

According to the U.S. based national council of State boards of Nursing (NCSBN, 2011), breaches of privacy and confidentiality can be intentional or inadvertent and can have serious implications for nurses, their patients and their employers. Even if her current organization didn’t take action, the patient have every right to file, for a lawsuit due to HIPPA violations. She has increased her chance of getting caught by posting the information on a social media website. As she has presented as being unprofessional this does not only affect her image it may affect her future

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