Sleep Deprivation

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An ability to function throughout the day is one of the positive effects of sleep. Mostly everyone has experienced the fatigue, bad mood, or lack of focus that usually follows a night of poor sleep, but these are just the short-term affections. Sleep deprivation is also associated with long-term health consequences, including chronic medical conditions (Harvard Medical School, 2007). One of the consequences of lack of sleep is increased inflammation. IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha, primary cytokines of the inflammatory system, are involved in the central nervous system where is the regulation of physiological sleep. They are elevated during acute sleep deprivation and prompt one's immune system to turn against healthy tissue and organs which can lead the body to increased …show more content…

(Elsevier, 2008; Mullington et al., 2010). Lack of sleep is also linked to pain sensitivity. Poor-quality sleep leads to the lower levels of serotonin, a naturally occurring neurotransmitter (Mcllwain & Bruce, 2007). Low serotonin level can increase the pain sensitivity because one's sensitivity and ability to hold the pain are blocked. Consequently, the body does not know how sensitive one is, so it creates more sensitivity for that person (University Health News, 2018). Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, bad mood, and lack of focus. It is also associated with an immune system response as inflammation and pain sensitivity.

Sleep deprivation can be linked to depression. As mentioned, lack of sleep leads to lack of serotonin. Serotonin does not just play a role in pain sensitivity. It is also associated with the mood and feeling of happiness because it helps defend against both anxiety

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