Sleep-away Summer Camps: A Barrier to Parent-Child Bonding

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Parents, have you ever considered sending your child to a summer sleep-away camp? Most parents have and it’s a tough decision to make when it comes to your child. You may have heard the other parents talking about how their children had ‘such a fun time’ and about how great the camp is. Going to a sleep-away camp is a negative experience for your child because you miss out on valuable bonding time and it can be a scary experience for both you and your child. You have enjoyed bonding with your child from the moment they were born so why miss out during the summer. Children love the bonding just as much as you do and summer camp takes away from this. When your child goes to a summer camp, they can be miles and miles away from you. They are in the care of complete strangers and are in groups of children who they have never met in their life. Instead of being away with these strangers, you could be spending those weeks bonding with your child. You could have your own summer adventure with your child by fishing or even camping in your backyard. When I was younger, summer was coming up and all my friends were talking about going to camp. For me, camp was a scary thing to think about. I adored my parents and I wanted to stay with them as often as I could. Instead of sending my brother and I to a camp far away, my parents crated the summer of a lifetime for us. We went fishing, we traveled to the mountains and learned about the Cherokee Indians …show more content…

Many children experience going to a summer camp but it is a decision you must think about greatly. Keep your kids at home and create your own memories with them. For children, memories with their parents are more valuable than memories of being sent to a camp. Consider your choices before sending your child away and, please, think of them before settling with your

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