Sinking Of The Titanic: Jay Henry Mowbray's Essay

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The article Sinking of the Titanic by Jay Henry Mowbray is about how the Titanic should have been one of the safest ships and how there weren’t enough lifeboats on the Titanic. The second article called “The Unsinkable Myth” by Richard Howells tells about how the Titanic was dubbed the “unsinkable” ship. The Titanic is one of the most well-known tragedies however it has made a huge impact in boat safety. One reason the Titanic was so well-known was that it was said to be unsinkable since the builder made it as safe as possible. In the text, it states “She had 15 watertight steel compartments that were supposed to render her unsinkable...the boat was as safe and sound as the shipbuilder could make it.” Another it’s very well known today is because the Titanic was called the “unsinkable” ships. Even though the ship sunk people still call it that to this day because it was one of the most luxurious ship that was made in its time period. “So the “ill-fated” liner duty finds its nemesis at the hands of an iceberg on …show more content…

The reason this is very important is that the Titanic had fewer lifeboats than the maximum capacity of the ship. In the text, it states “The one adequacy was the lack of lifeboats...20 boats and rafts available, each capable of sustaining, at most, 60 persons. Yet the ship was built to carry 2,435 passengers and 860 in the crew.” Another lesson that can be learned from the Titanic is that life can change quickly. The reason life can change quickly is because one minute on the Titanic you could be enjoying yourself and the next your ship is sinking. For example in the article titled “The Unsinkable Myth” states “God himself could not sink this ship...not just about the iceberg, but probably also about the lifeboats… as the ship finally sank with the loss of some 1,500 lives.” This is significant because people thought the Titanic couldn’t sink but when it did there lives changed right that

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