Titanic Research Paper

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2,223 people were aboard the Titanic, 1,503 people of those people never got to see the shore again. In 1912 the Titanic sank, in 1997 a movie was made portraying the short life of the ‘unsinkable’ ship. Though some things included in the movie are accurate, there are many aspects of the film that have been added or changed. Many directors who create movies based off of real events will change these things in an effort to encourage people to see their movie and enjoy it. They don’t always change every detail, not all movies are a lie, they do keep some events real to make the movie dramatic and historically correct. In the movie, Titanic, James Cameron changed some events from the sinking of the Titanic, but also kept some important details …show more content…

Aboard the ship included too few lifeboats for everyone to get off the boat safely if it were to sink. There was more than one thing wrong with the boat including “critical safety lapse[s] that contributed to the loss of so many lives was the number of lifeboats carried on Titanic. A mere 16 boats, plus four Engelhardt “collapsibles,” could accommodate just 1,178 people. Titanic could carry up to 2,435 passengers” (“Titanic”). The reason the boat sank is because the boat was moving too fast without anyone standing at the wheel to make sure nothing would go wrong. In the movie the boat is moving extremely quickly and they did not have enough time to move out of the way of the rapidly approaching iceberg because their lookouts were too busy watching Jack and Rose. Because of their lack of attention, the “Titanic scraped the iceberg along the ship's side, rather than hitting it head-on” (D’alto). Lots of facts from the film Titanic were kept true, to keep the story …show more content…

In lots of films based off of real events that happened directors will add more circumstances to make it more fascinating. In this film the director added more characters and a love story. They won’t always change every event, most movies are still mostly historically correct. On the real Titanic, there were many different reasons the boat sank, and many reasons people couldn't get off safely. Not all movies will always change every fact or event, but it does happen a lot to keep the viewers’

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