Advantages Of Single Sex Schools

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The debate on whether single sex schools provide a better education than co-ed schools has been going on for as long as school has been invented. It is said that a lot of times, students who attend single sex schools are better educated, more confident in their abilities, and over all better prepared to enter the outside world after leaving high school; especially females. While this argument may be true, it is also obvious that students of co-ed schools are better adjusted when it comes to social aspects with the opposite sex, that are also a big part of life after high school. These days’ women and men, a majority of the time work together in the workplace. As women continue to take on more prominent roles outside the home, the ability to successfully work together becomes increasingly important. Both co-ed and single sex schools have their advantages and disadvantages but overall the advantages and benefits of attending a single sex school outweigh the disadvantages tremendously. Single sex schools provide students with not only a better education but a better understanding of their capabilities and skills, making them the best option in terms of most aspects.
A big argument in …show more content…

In co-ed schools many things can factor into distracting students such as the opposite gender, cliques, and peer pressure; it is shown that distractions such as those are more prevalent in co-ed school settings. With girls, they don’t have to worry about things such as impressing boys which is a common concern for many middle and high school students. With boys, they do not have to live up to a certain standard in order to feel cool, or try to impress girls. This results in lesser cliques being formed and the boys becoming nicer to their peers instead. In single sex schools there is room for all types of people of that gender which lessens the social distractions that might come with co-ed

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