Simon Peter Character Analysis

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Essay Prompt: If you could be any character in the bible who would you be and why?
When reading and studying the Bible we realize that there are many characters with good traits and some with traits that aren’t so favorable. Throughout life, children of God undergo various situations, some in which we prevail, but in others we fail. The story of Simon Peter should serve as a guide to how we shouldn’t let our failures in life define us. As humans should learn from our failures and turn them into lessons.
Simon Peter was a fisherman, but also one of Jesus’ first followers and served as a close friend to him. He had quite a few strengths, but also had endured several failings in his life. Simon had been brought to Jesus by his brother Andrew and when they officially met, Jesus renamed him Peter, which means “rock”. When Jesus called Peter to follow him, he immediately left everything behind him. He followed Jesus for the next three years and had been the first to confess Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God”. There were many instances in the Bible where Peter revealed himself to act suddenly, without …show more content…

Because God loves us, He created us to make decisions. He made us in His image and likeness and He created us with the freedom to choose between right and wrong. When we make the wrong decisions, we make mistakes. However, He also wants us to learn from the various mistakes that we make. We are free to either follow after God's ways, or rebel against the truths of His Word. The key to abundant life in Jesus is to understand when we make a mistake. God has given us the free will to make certain choices and then to ask Him for forgiveness for our sins which can be found in 1 John 1:9. Because He forgives us we are also taught to forgive each other. May we never forget that God’s faithfulness to us shall set us

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