Similarities Between The Hunger Games And Catching Fire

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In the series of The Hunger Games and Catching Fire both by Suzanne Collins, there are plenty of themes in both books. Such as rebellion, standing up to what you believe in, survival, and sacrifice. But the one that I believe is the best theme in The Hunger Games is Rebellion, the reason I believe Rebellion is the best theme in The Hunger Games is because it relates to a lot of stuff that has happened in this world and even is happening right now. The meaning of rebellion is an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler, for example in the hunger games when Katniss leaves her district to go hunting in the woods she rebelling against the rules of the capital. She's rebelling because she's going outside her district and she knows that it illegal like when she says “even though trespassing in the woods is illegal and poaching carries the severest of penalties”( The Hunger Games, Collins pg.9). …show more content…

There is plenty of rebellion in the series of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins such as the two I mentioned. But rebellion doesn't only happen in The Hunger Games, it happens in our own world plenty of times. One example that rebellion has happened in this world is the riots for Trayvon Martin. The death of Trayvon Martin who was killed by George Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon Martin because George Zimmerman thought Trayvon was acting weird around George's neighborhood which George was part of the neighborhood

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