Similarities Between The Holocaust And The Trail Of Tears

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From the removal of Native Americans in Georgia to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, the crime of greed affected millions. Condemned men, women and children suffered cruelty, starvation and being raped and beaten in a brutal way. Although dissimilar by geography and time, the pain and torment experienced by the Native Americans in a route that became known as, "The Trail of Tears", unite them with their Jewish brothers. Prejudice, race, politics, and powers are strong similarities and differences between the Holocaust and the Trail of Tears.

While it's manifest that Native Americans and Jews suffered prejudice, one similarity is that they were both expelled from their homeland by national leaders. Adolf Hitler exiled with the Germans to remove all Jews living in Germany and president Andrew Jackson ordered the "Indian Removal Act" in Georgia. This provoked great tension and panic because they had to leave their homes and they had no idea what their new home would turn out to be. In the same way, the Native Americans and the Jewish prisoners left everything behind and had similar authority figures that wanted them banished. …show more content…

Harsh conditions, hunger, and starvation began taking over. The Native Americans received food infested with worms and bugs after they arrived in the internment camps. In the concentration death camps in Europe, Jews were suffering just as bad. They fought for small pieces of burnt bread for food. Diseases such as cholera, small pox, malaria and typhus took control. The families of both peoples were missing, leaving them nowhere and no one to turn

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