Similarities Between Perseus And Percy Jackson

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Perseus versus Percy Jackson Perseus in mythology and Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson movies and books have many things in common. They both had to overcome great things to get where they ended up. In mythology there was a prophecy that said that King Acrisius would have a grandson. He originally wanted to see if he would have a son to find out his daughter would instead, and he would be the death of the king. To prevent this he locked his daughter away in a bronze house, so that she could have no children. Little did the king know Zeus paid her a little visit and impregnated her with his golden rain. King Acrisius didn’t know of the meeting between them and didn’t discover perseus for a long time. He finally discovered Perseus and had a chest built to send him and his mother away to his death. They eventually made it to land where a man named Dictys found them and he and his wife took them in. Perseus became an honest fisherman like dictys. After a while, Dictys’ brother, Polydectes, fell in love with Danae but wanted her some gone. Polydectes announced that he was going to marry, but Perseus had no gifts to bear him. He went off to find the gorgon Medusa, slay her and take her head and to Polydectes’ inconvenience Perseus came back and killed …show more content…

Both of them also have divine fathers and mortal mothers. Perseus has Denae and Percy has Sally Jackson. They both also capture the eye of the three old ladies sharing one eye, and both of them needed answers. Some differences would be that in Percy’s time, human beings don’t know that there are monsters and bad creatures out there, they just see other things that aren’t there but are more believable. In Perseus’s time, people knew about these creatures, but would never think about going out to defeat them. I think it was more that they were afraid they would

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