Sikhism And Hinduism Similarities

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Sikhism and Hinduism

When discussing religion, it is important to note there are many different religions throughout the world. Each religion has its own name, form of worship, practices, and beliefs. Some religions even require their followers to wear certain clothing, eat certain things, and pray several times a day. As you study different religions, you learn there are usually similarities among them. You also learn there are several key differences that set each religion apart. Sikhism and Hinduism are two religions that share similar beliefs and practices, but there are several things within each of these religions that show their differences.
Sikhism and Hinduism are both fairly popular religions in today’s society. Both religions claim to have millions of followers worldwide. As with …show more content…

Traditionally, Sikhs are required to keep a certain appearance and wear certain garments. On their person, they keep a comb, a sword, and a steel bracelet. They also wear certain undergarments, and they are not supposed to cut their hair. “Since the Punjabi names of all the five symbols or articles of faith begin with letter ‘k’, they are collectively referred to as the Five Ks, panj kakke or panj kakar” (Singh, 2014, p. 106). In Sikhism, the Five K’s are symbols of faith and are required to be worn. Hindus have traditional clothing as well, but they are not required to be worn. Some Hindu people, outside of India, wear the same clothing as the people in whatever region they are in. Besides clothing, Sikhs and Hindus differ in other ways as well. For example, Sikhism is strictly a monotheistic religion. They believe in and worship one god. Sikhs denounce the worship of any other gods or idols. Hindus believe in and worship several different gods. Hindus also believe in a type of Holy Trinity, which is similar to the Christian belief that God is divided into three

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