Should Vending Machines Be Allowed In Schools

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Junk foods in Schools: Yay or Nay?! One might think that junk food is really horrible for children. But in all reality, majority of the time junk foods are good. Many foods get categorized into the “ junk “ section but really some foods could be quite healthier than others. For example popcorn (which is served in most vending machines) “movie snack is full of fiber and has high levels of polyphenols, antioxidants that can protect against heart disease and certain cancers.” (Ahlberg 8) The big question is that, should junk foods should be banned from schools. Most schools have vending machines everywhere, in cafeterias, hallways, even in locker rooms. However school officials decide on what goes in these machines. Most children at school only eat the food from the vending machines because schools food isn't always a five star meal. Junk foods should be allowed in schools.“ Exercise would be encouraged by parents who might join in and lose a few pounds themselves.” (Carson-Dewitt and Jacobs 4) This would be a major reason because parents should either influence their children to lose weight or to slow down on their eating. Instead, many people blame the school’s vending machines for their child’s increased weight gain. “Young people can suffer …show more content…

These big candy filled machines are like the money makers for the school.“ Schools are left scrambling for additional money.” (Sprague and Lee 12) Schools are basically broke if the government decides to prohibit vending machines. It will be hard for schools to get the money they need, because there main source of income is no longer in service. “But cutting taxes has become a virtual crusade in many places.. “extras”--such as sports or after-school programs. “ (Sprague and Lee 12) This quote states that If the school has to cut taxes due to low income coming in, then that would mean that other school activities would have to be cut as well, as in sports and

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