Should Soda Be Banned In Schools Research Paper

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Will Banning Soda and Sugary Snacks Help Stop Obesity?

“Should Candy and Soda be Banned from Schools?” by Tom Vilsack, was a very interesting article. Vilsack believes that banning candy and sugary drinks, such as soda, in school will help stop obesity in the United States. I agree with his opinion. He had many interesting facts to support the topic.

Did you know that about a third of American Children are overweight or obese? They are the next generation. If this keeps going on, soon it won’t only be a third of the children obese, it will be two thirds, and if we keep on letting the children eat unhealthy substances such as soda and candy in schools, it will soon become a problem for the whole country.

Vilsack also stated that eighty percent of teenagers that are obese remain obese as adults. Think about it, if the obese adults have children, they will most likely become obese too. Then it will keep on going on and on, until the whole country is basically obese. …show more content…

Yes, I know this is only banning candy and soda in school. You also may be thinking “it’s only a drink or a little snack”. Wrong. This is a major problem that must be dealt with immediately. If children keep on consuming high caloric foods, they will start to feel very tired because of the food they consumed. They won’t want to take classes such as physical education. They would just want to sit around all day and they would wonder why they’re so tired. I have the answer. The children that are eating and drinking the sugary snacks don’t realize that they are consuming snacks without the nutrition they need to help them keep themselves energized and focused throughout the

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