Should The Government Be Able To Monitor The Internet

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" Over the years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the United States Government has increased the amount of security and surveillance over the citizens of the United States. This increasing act of surveillance is actually an infringement on the privacy of the American people. The government does not and should not have the power to monitor, limit, or prohibit what the citizen’s do while browsing the Internet. It is strictly the business of the user as to what they view while browsing the Internet, not that of the government.

Every America citizen has the unspoken right to personal privacy while using the Internet. This is called Internet privacy and it is the mandate of personal privacy concerning the storing, repurposing, provision to third parties, and displaying of information pertaining to oneself via the Internet. Even though we have this fundamental right, the government is slowly trying to take it away from us. For the past decade, Internet security and surveillance has increased due to the increasing amount of terrorist threats, but the government is slowly evolving this surveillance over terrorist suspects, to being able to spy on what the American people search on the Internet. In the constitution, the Fourth Amendment provides protection from …show more content…

It would be okay for them to monitor the Internet in the event that there is a proposed terrorist threat in which the monitoring would help prevent the threat or reduce the impact of it. If the government were to use the internet surveillance to keep the country safe and the citizens see that, they would have more faith in the government protecting them and using monitoring programs for good. Also, if the government monitored the Internet to reduce crime in big cities, people would favor and be more willing to allow the government to watch over our online

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