Should Students Get A Minimum Grade?

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The question of whether should student get a good education and a maintain grade . In other words , some school administrators think that the student should to get a minimum grade to be accepted in sport team in school and if they did not get it they will forbid them from playing . Conversely, the other side see that the athletics and academic degree are not related . In my opinion , a school administrator they do not have to put this requirement because the grades do not have any connection athleticism. Throughout society and in life , the evidence to support my viewpoint in pervasive.
Consider the fact that not all the student play sport. Indeed, athletics student in school are very rare in the recent year. That mean the school administrator have to maintain athletics student and practice their exercise. Some may argue that the school administrator must to ban the student if they do not get a good grade because they think that the education is more important than sport , even if the sport is very rare. Students thought that the sport is more important.
Moreover, their is a large number for the student who get a higher degree in school. To put it simply , their is many student who raise the academic level in school , so the athletics student did not need to get a minimum degree. that is to say , the student who are not professional in sport …show more content…

For instance , in the recent year appeared many technology and the student life is full of mobile and laptop , so the student have become lazy and rarely move. That I want to say , that they have to care about their health and care about the rare student who love to do exercise and move. Nevertheless, the student come to school to learn and if they care about the sport and exercise they will get a lower degree also they can practice them self outside the school. the school have sport class they can move in it and school can make a workshops about the health and

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