Should Schools Be Done With Homework

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Have you ever thought about what it would be like to never have to do homework? Homework is harmful to students, and have a negative impact on their lives. To begin with, teachers are unprepared when assigning homework and often have no training, and homework can have a negative impact on students and their homes. Those are only a few reasons why homework is harmful. Many schools around the United States are taking the leap, and Byron Center could too.

My first reason why homework is harmful is because often teachers are not trained when assigning homework. Have you ever had a homework assignment that just makes no sense? The homework may have no benefit and purpose. According to Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering, teachers are not well trained in how to assign homework. Often teachers assign inappropriate homework that has no benefit. Last but not least, according to Gerald K. LeTendre, even though some schools …show more content…

Sometimes teachers assign homework that involves computers or other resources that some students don't have. According to the article, “Should Schools Be Done With Homework?” kids should not be unfairly penalized because they do not have the resources or support at home. Also, not all parents are prepared to assist students that need help with homework. This may cause a conflict were negative emotions are released. According to Johanna Sorrentino, homework can affect the relationships the student has with their parents. This can create a tense home, and have strain families. In my family, homework can be a stress too. My siblings always fight about homework with my parents. Lastly, students may spend hours studying. This causes sleep disruption that affects school and other activities. It is unfair for students to have a disadvantage and miss out on after school activities because of homework. Homework creates a negative home environment that is harmful for

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