Should School Uniforms Be Paid?

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Imagine every kid looking the same when they are at school. Some people could say that uniforms enhances school pride, But it is more true that without kids wearing school uniforms they will be able to express who they are, it is less money for the parents, and there won't be that much bullying. One reason, that kids will be able to express who they are is that just imagine walking through school where everyone around you looks the same because you are all wearing uniforms. You won’t be able to tell what kind of people they are because everyone is dressed the same as you according to “should kids wear school uniforms”.
Another reason, is that it would be boring to be dresses the same as all the kids at your school. I mean just think about it school would be boring. Lastly, when kids will be able to build self confidence by not wearing school uniforms. Kids will feel like what they wear will make them express who they are and that by what they are wearing will let them have self confidence. …show more content…

Another reason, that Uniforms are too much money is that when kids wear uniforms is not only a disappointment to kids but your parents also because they will have to buy the uniform for their kid. Lastly, kids will outgrow uniforms and uniforms can be expensive so they are wasting their money on uniforms for that reason so then parents will have to go out and buy new uniforms probably every year because kids are always growing according to

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