Should Immigrants Have The Same Rights Essay

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Should immigrants be legal or have the same rights as others Starting from the 1600s hundreds, we have had immigrants in this country. Many famous people who we consider to be part of our culture, are also immigrants. Alexander Hamilton is one of them, he was one of the founding fathers. Hamilton fought for people of colour, he fought for his freedom, and fought for his beliefs. Immigrants have been suffering for many years, starting from slavery to now, present day. People who come her illegally suffer from racism. They have a hard time living in this country because they cannot express their way freedom, they do not have the same rights as people who are born here. People get upset that people from latin America, West Asia, and South …show more content…

Why can’t we all understand that we are all the same? Just imagine this, imagine that all the people in the world didn't have skin, it would only be pure flesh. Will we be able to see a difference on us? Will we even know what race we are? Will we still get discriminated for what we are and our beliefs and what we think of? Many people think that immigrants come to this country to steal jobs, bring terrorist, or drugs. People think that immigrants don’t have to pay taxes. They do indeed pay them. Once you go into a store and buy food or a certain item, you are paying taxes once you have made your purchase. Even if you buy things online, you still pay taxes. Another thing is that, some people believe that hispanic people or central asian people, bring bad people. For example, they believe that hispanic people, in specific “Mexicans”, bring drugs, carteles to this country and that is morally wrong because, not all the people in Mexico are the same, not all people do drugs, and not all people kill others. Another example is, central asian people. They think that those people bring terrorist, they are not. Like I said, not all people are the same, not all people come to this country to commit crimes or expect this country in

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