The Shadow of Hate Documentary Analysis

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The Shadow of Hate Essay Assignment I will cite examples of how intercultural imperatives relate to the 1995 American short documentary film, “The Shadow of Hate”, directed by Charles Guggenheim. I will define and describe two imperatives demographic and ethical imperatives. First, demographics are measureable statistics of a given group of the population. The quantifiable subsets of a given population could be gender, age, ethnicity, income, as well as other subsets to consider depending on research needs. Demographic trends and distribution describe historical as well as current population levels at a particular time. We live with a diverse mix of people. Diversity can be defined as the quality of being different. Politically, socially, and linguistically different ways of thinking, acting, and living various lifestyles can cause misunderstandings among people resulting in conflict. In reality people are a heterogeneous mix of culture, values, beliefs, and self –identities. The idea that the United States is metaphorically a melting pot is not true. A tapestry would be a better term to describe America’s roots and present day cultural expansion. Race, which is another characteristic of demographic data, is a modern occurrence. It is being questioned and more than likely not a valid determinant. Our textbook in chapter five states, “racial identity or race consciousness is both controversial and pervasive. When early explorers in the 15th and 16th centuries came across people who were different from them a debate began which groups were “human” and which were “animal” (pg. 191). The grand narrative history of the United States falsely believes that we are a nation of immigrants. If one reads between the lines and digs deep... ... middle of paper ... ...e revealed in order to obtain psychological closure to heal as a nation. Empathy for others is paramount for cultural competence. The adage walk a mile in my shoes would be an appropriate analogy for individuals or groups of persons to emphasize with people of different cultures and belief systems. What I have learned is to not judge others cultures. I have been very fortunate to be a member of the privileged and dominate group in society. I am aware that I cannot fully understand what it is like to suffer from being an ethnic minority. American Indians suffered ethnocide and almost genocide. Slavery will always seem to haunt this country. The Asian population helped create a viable economy. Mexicans once owned land that is now part of the United States, which was taken by war. We cannot erase the past, but we can try to learn tolerance and acceptance of others.

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