Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported Essay

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Everyone in the United States’ ancestors were once Immigrants, from countries like Ireland, Italy, England etc. Even though we all had different backgrounds, we all shared something in common, coming into America legally. Our ancestors came in on a boat, went through customs and made America their home legally. Immigrants today find ways to sneak into our boarders and get passed customs. Immigrants who come in illegally should be deported because we pay for their children's schooling, most are criminals and American citizens pay for their well-being. If you are born in America, you become a citizen without a question. However, if your parents brought you here illegally, you do not have the same rights. Public school is free to all American children, but it comes out of working adults taxes. Since these immigrants do not pay taxes, they are not paying for their children's education, we are! This is …show more content…

We should not have to spend any money on putting these criminals in jail. The right thing to do is when they get in legal trouble, America should deport them back to their country. 30% of American jails are illegal immigrants. Instead, our prisons provide housing for them, food and even a job sometimes in jail. This is completely unfair because we are paying for these illegal Immigrants to be able to be criminals in a country they do not belong to. Americans pay for illegals healthcare, food stamps and again their public education. Hard working Americans who pay taxes sometimes do not realize where these taxes go to. Medical care for illegals is payed for by our money we earned. Illegals welfare is paid for by the money Americans work five days a week for. Even their children's education, as mentioned, is payed for by us. This is unfair because Americans strive for success and work hard to provide for their families, yet immigrants can come in illegally and get this all for

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