Should Gender Roles Be Allowed In Education?

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While on a combat patrol in Baghdad, Iraq, I observed a plethora of boys outside of a school playing soccer. It was an intriguing moment so I spoke with the head of the school, and asked him many questions and observed the classrooms. The most significant disparity throughout was that the classrooms were filled with girls and hardly any boys. The boys were authorized to play soccer at their leisure, however the girls had to remain in class and be educated. Being young and naïve to their cultural norms, I posed the question "Why do you educate your females more than your boys, and yet they are not allowed in leadership positions?" He boisterously and methodically enlightened me on his view of why men should be in positions of greater responsibility. At any rate, the same issue exists in the United States. "Despite the fact that women make up nearly 60 percent of college graduates, they comprise only 16 percent of corporate executives… But perhaps the most shocking gender gap of all is in the education sector," according to Litmanovitz. …show more content…

Through qualitative and interview research she concludes "lack of role models and mentors, male-centric attitudes about what constitutes leadership, and family responsibilities that tend to fall most heavily on women." She even attempts to generalize across all women professions, which you cannot do nor draw conclusions from these types of researches. Nevertheless, furnished opinions do not foster cause and effect even though a propensity

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