Gender Differences In Education Essay

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In the past decade, research showed that in the process of education in some countries, girls do better than boys, this problem was called ‘a boy’s problem’. The Dutch Ministry of Education published the study which examines the boys’ and girls’ position in primary school based on previous studies (Driessen, Langen, 2013). As a matter of fact, this problem is not a new question, and there are many discussions about gender differences. An important part of the problem is that boys’ scores are far below those of girls. In all education, based on some researchers' opinions, involving spatial and mathematical reasoning, skills, boys always doing better than girls, but in the aspects of language application and writing, girls often do better than …show more content…

The problems which are addressed in Driessen and Langen’s study is the difference between boys and girls in primary school and secondary education. Researchers analyzed the three areas, cognitive competencies, non - cognitive competencies, and school career outcomes (Driessen, Langen, 2013). Base on the three aspects, people have discussed the learning facts of boys and girls in different educations stages. It shows that boys and girls have different cognitive abilities in the primary school education, but the difference is not big. Boys can do math, English, and other studies better than girls. In contrast, girls are good at their native language and reading. In secondary education, boys are more motivate by competition than girls (Driessen, Langen, 2013). Thus, people can conclude that in both primary education and in the first phase of secondary education, the difference of cognitive abilities between sexes is not obvious. In the secondary education, boys’ non-cognitive competencies are not less than girls’. At the start of secondary education, boys need of more learning support and they overwhelmingly choose science, technology and economics or business courses, girls always opt for socially relevant courses, languages or education. The study shows there is no gender difference …show more content…

there are some differences in understanding of how to work with these issues that lead people to single out these ideal typical gender approaches—that is ‘instrumental’, ‘co-productive’, ‘facilitative’, ‘proactive’ and ‘agitated’ gender approaches (Sandstrom, Stier, Sandberg, 2013). These ideal typical gender approaches are made up, first, by the different ‘interaction modes’ and ‘reflection modes’ in the preschool activities that were described by the participants in the study. Second, the four different types of gender interaction modes may emanate from corresponding ‘underlying conceptions of gender’. Third, the four types have ‘tentative influences on the children’s identity process’ (Sandstrom, Stier, Sandberg, 2013). The training process looks very complicated but it is crucial to the development of children in the

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