Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Euthanasia

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The Benefits of Euthanasia Even though people are not in control of how they are born, they are in control as to how they will pass away. In other words, each individual has the right to control his or her body in whatever way he or she wants. Behind this ideology lies the idea that humans should also have the right to determine in what way and by whose hand he or she will die and gives rise the controversial issue of legalizing euthanasia. Even though some people argue that euthanasia gives too much power to doctors and state that alternatives exist, individuals who are in suffering should be given the choice to end their pain. With proper regulation, euthanasia should be legalized because adults have the right to terminate their lives. Euthanasia …show more content…

Euthanasia allows these patients to plan their death. Make sure all those who they love are there to see them, say the last good byes. This provides comfort both to the patient, and their family since it is a planned occasion and not a sudden death. Mars Cramer was the husband of a 71 year old lady who had Waldenstrom’s disease, which is a rare form of cancer. Chemotherapy let her stay alive, but she kept getting worse everyday. She and Cramer had agreed on euthanasia if they ever needed it. Since in Amsterdam euthanasia is legal given the patient passes a few criterias, Cramer went to get things ready. He set a date, and filled out the legal papers for the euthanasia. After a sedative to induce a coma was administered, a muscle relaxer is used to stop the heart. Their children were all there watching with Cramer as the doctors administered the injections. After her death and while he was waiting for the undertaker he went to take a look at her and he says he felt no particular emotion (Cramer). He knew that she had died in peace, the way she wanted. This comfort passed from her to him, and their family. Saying the final good bye provides the comfort that everyone who is in a situation like hers should feel, and euthanasia provides

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