Shanika Torres

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A woman in Grand Rapids Michigan, by the last name of Shanika Torres, was arrested for shooting a 9mm handgun at a McDonald’s restaurant. Her reason for shooting at the restaurant was that they forgot to put bacon in her burger twice in the last 24 hrs. Torres did not kill or hurt any individuals but she was later convicted by the Kent County Circuit Court for shooting at an occupied building. She was also convicted for felony use of a firearm. Torres was given a sentence of 3 to 7 years behind bars. The organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), is an American animal rights organization. PETA is based out of Norfolk, Virginia and has been known to be quite contentious at times. PETA is also known for being controversial …show more content…

The individuals at PETA made a suggestion that they thought might ensure that Torres would not become a repeat offender. They suggested a change of cuisine for Torres. PETA recommended that Torres be put on a vegan diet during her stay in prison. A vegan diet consists of eating strictly fruits, vegetables and whole grains. On a vegan diet, most of the protein consumed comes from nuts and soy. Meats, dairy products, eggs, honey, and any products derived from animal products are prohibited when following a vegan diet. Vegans even discourage people from wearing items made from leather, silk, fur, and wool. PETA even went as far as offering to develop a menu that would be healthy, humane, and cost effective for Torres. PETA claims that putting inmates on a strict vegetarian and or vegan diet can be a successful part of a violence reduction program. There are conflicting reports from experts as to whether or not a vegan diet actually has an impact on prisoner’s …show more content…

Today’s research shows us that a gluten free diet can improve the behavior and disposition of a hyperactive child. Food dyes have also been suspect in causing hyperactivity in children. It is a proven fact that food is capable of negatively affecting our arteries, hearts, lungs, muscles, bones and all internal organs. Why not our brains? Medical research has shown us that our brain function is affected by different types of food. Studies have proven that a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains can improve our energy, and this type of eating habit has also been associated with fewer depressive symptoms. A nutritious diet that promotes a healthy lifestyle theoretically should also promote a more positive outlook on anyone’s life. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said: “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. Even in ancient times medical experts believed that food had an impact on our health and our

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