Analysis Of Unhappy Meals By Michael Pollan

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Having a healthy lifestyle requires plenty of motivation and determination because of the multiple sacrifices that may occur during this process and the breakdowns and overwhelming feelings that you are going to have to get over. Through the article “Unhappy Meals”, author Michael Pollan reveals many simple, yet equally important principles on healthy eating. Pollan provides nine rules on how we should change our eating habits and, as a result, become healthy individuals. As a part of his nine rules, he advises that we should eat food that know of and are familiar with, and to consume mostly plants and home cooked meals (Pollan). Pollan informs his audience that complying with these rules will provide them with a healthy lifestyle. I do comply …show more content…

Or the Japanese. Or the Italians. Or the Greeks” because he declares that “if it weren’t so healthy, the people who follow it wouldn’t still be around” (Pollan). He emphasizes not only on what they eat, but how they eat, so aspects such as small portions and no seconds are significant. I comply with this rule because at home, we focus more on feeling full than taking pleasure in the taste of the food. Berkeley Wellness also refers to this in their “14 Keys to a Healthy Diet”. The author advises that we should check serving sizes especially when choosing to eat higher-calorie foods. When my parents prepare a meal, they always serve us in small or medium sized plates that way there is an illusion of enough food on the plate, when in reality it’s most likely less than we might think. Additionally, my parents’ home cooked meals are almost exactly enough for the entire family and rarely are there ever leftovers. This is because my parents consider the serving size for each of us and they nearly never allow seconds, unless it 's on special occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, but even then they have to consider it. Keeping an eye on my food portion and serving size leads to a healthy and balanced diet. This is because it allows me to consider the portions for protein, vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy and consume all the possible nutritions I …show more content…

Therefore, our food is not highly processed and we are aware of what we are putting in our body. Pollan urges his audience to be aware of food that contains ingredients that are “unfamiliar, unpronounceable, and more than five in number “ (Pollan). This is most likely because these types of ingredients are harmful when consumed. My mother’s home cooked meals ensure that there is little to no ingredients that we are unfamiliar with. This is especially because my family has a garden in our backyard. I usually do most of the planting and watering and caring of the plants, therefore I am knowledgeable in what’s being put in the

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