Sexual Harassment In History

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Sexual Harassment has been an ongoing problem in U.S. history and is still very much alive today. This roots back as far as the 1960s and 1970s when social movements for sexual assault prevention were originating. Individual rights are always regularly violated in the country. In history, servants and slaves were vulnerable to being sexually assaulted because back then the law did very little to protect them. Unfortunately, sexual assault is still common in our world today and many issues regarding this throughout history has influenced how it is now. It has lead women to start important movements such as the “Me Too” movement that consisted of women speaking out on what type of violence was done to them. This historical development will show …show more content…

However, harassment involving employees facing widespread extreme sexual discrimination is still continuing. Just about 15% of women encountering this classification of badgering take legitimate action towards it; out of these cases, only 50% are found to have cause. In today’s society, an assumption exists that women who report abuses such as this are being too sensitive, exaggerating their stories to make them sound worse or attempting to get revenge on a male associate. Many people, unfortunately consider this to be a historical issue that is apparently dramatically overemphasized which it is indeed …show more content…

The main focus is normally on abusive behavior from powerful men back then and now. It comes mainly at the specific moment during Trump’s presidency. After his political campaign, several women had come forward saying that Trump allegedly made unwanted sexual advances towards them. It has always been a problem that men of high power get accused of sexual assault. But because of their power, the allegations are normally dismissed and the women who come out are ignored. One source suggests that, “In a sense, the current reckoning with predatory behavior by successful men has come about both because of, and in spite of, the country’s choice of president. It’s not that Trump’s comments were the most vulgar words ever said about women. And it’s certainly not the case that he’s the first president to be accused of sexual harassment and

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