Sexual Gratification Essay

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(A) The sexual and aggressive drives are primary; a drive is not a behavior, only biological impulses. (B) Darwin argued that reproductive success is the key to survival and evolution, so natural selection is wholly based on sexual gratification. The oral stage gets gratification from the sucking and stimulation of the mouth as a baby, such as teething, breastfeeding, and sucking on the thumb. The anal stage gets gratification through pooping and bathroom elimination. In the phallic stage, masturbation and sex are gratification. Freud defines sexual gratification as gratification involving the body. A fixation is when some amount of sexual energy remains fixated or devoted to the concerns of an earlier stage of development, such as the oral or anal stage. (B) Drinking, chewing gum, smoking, and excessive eating indicate an oral fixation. (C) Stringiness, hoarding, collecting, obstinacy, and a concern for intense cleanliness/ being a germaphobe are traits indicating an anal fixation. (D) Freud sees toilet training as important as it (B) The child eventually represses these desires as they feel threatened by the parent of the same sex and experience castration anxiety. They are afraid of challenging the father, and see themselves as powerless. (C) When the child identifies with the father, they become one with the aggressor and understand the father’s role. As a result, the child gets. A conscience and their father’s moral values. This must take place to overcome the Oedipal complex. (D) Freud claims the female Oedipal complex is a result of penis envy. (C) Penis envy leads to lifelong feelings of inadequacy for not having a penis. It causes her to want to share her father’s penis, resulting in an Oedipal/Electra complex that is never fully resolved. This leads to “female emotions” and a lack of a “full” personality

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