Sexual Assault On College Campuses: A Speech Analysis

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Recognizing Male Victims of Sexual Assault
When deciding what to write my speech on, I wanted to shed light on a particular group that does not receive a lot of recognition in a widely talked about topic with college students. This led me to argue for a better acknowledgment of male victims of sexual assault crimes. Sexual assault has recently been discussed with college students because of statistics that prove it is an epidemic in the United States, especially on college campuses. What hasn’t been talked about is the somewhat large population of male victims. My audience is comprised of Seattle U communication students, and I assume they know of the sexual assault crimes that frequently occur on college campuses. However, I’m guessing that they do not know or possibly have never thought about the male victims and the struggle they face as they experience the same turmoil as female victims. I am addressing the whole class in this speech because they can all do something about this issue because it occurs on college campuses. The more they spread awareness, the faster we can create support groups or space for conversation. I have already discussed the subject of sexual assault …show more content…

People often remember most what was said at the beginning and the end of a speech. The most important thing I want my audience to take away from my speech is the importance of speaking up for these victims. It is something simple they can do, and knowing that students at SU participate in protests and many different social justice activities, I think them just mentioning the male victims will create a change in awareness. The age group of my audience is critical to my speech as well. As college students and Millennials, we are not afraid to speak up about the injustices in the world. By instilling this message in this audience, they will take it to heart and hopefully include male victims in the conversation about

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