Sexual Assault On College Campus Essay

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David DeMatteo, Meghann Galloway, Shelby Arnold, and Unnati Patel from Drexel University published an article Sexual Assault on College Campuses: A 50-State Survey of Criminal Sexual Assault Statutes and Their Relevance to Campus Sexual Assault. This article comes from the Journal Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Volume 21, Number 3, published in 2015. This article ranges from page 221-238.
Due to a slew of recent and highly publicized campus sexual assaults and the lack of response by the academic institutions at which they occurred, this has led some policymakers and academic administrators to call upon legislative and institutional change. In order for these changes to be made, academic administrators and legislators need to find solutions that will better protect the victims of these crimes, punish the attackers and encourage institutions to comply with the new legislation. With this being said, there has been a big debate about …show more content…

A report commissioned by the united States Department of Justice through the National College Women Sexual Victimization study and based on 4,446 women who were attending a two to four year institution during the Fall of 1996 discovered that three percent of college women find themselves victims of sexual assault in any of their academic years. More recent studies sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and based on a sample of 5,446 undergraduate females found that nineteen percent of college undergraduate students have experienced attempted or completed sexual assault. In the Campus Sexual Assault Study, 52.7% of victims had completed less than two years of college when assaulted. Even more surprising than these numbers is the fact that the statistics are in actuality low because victims often times do not come forward for fear of the judgment they are going to face by their

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